One of the most enjoyable and soothing activities for many people is indulging in food. It can brighten up one’s spirits and is often a favorite pastime to repeat. No matter how health-conscious a person prefers, no one can ever step back from food, especially when they have their favorite dishes to eat.
Ever thought about what life would be like without food? Or what if your body does not allow you to consume enough meals regardless of how hard you try? This must be frustrating if you even get to think about all of this stuff but to stay away from these assumptions, you must be careful about your teeth and any infection caused by them.
Tooth infections can turn from mild to severe before you realize it and can be far more dangerous than you imagine. Taking care of your teeth is very important to stay energetic.
Several bacteria and germs can enter your mouth, but it is crucial when they reach the inner tissues of the mouth, which is called the pulp, and causes the infection. A tooth infection, sometimes called a dental abscess, occurs when pus forms around the diseased location and can potentially spread to the mouth’s internal roots. This can result in severe toothache, causing uneasiness for a person to eat or drink.
Typically extreme pain in teeth, swelling of gums, and feeling of hot and cold sensitivity indicates a tooth infection. Still, it does not clarify this perception that ‘Can tooth infection kill you?’ Keep on reading to know more about the condition and related problems.
A dental abscess does not spread rapidly and takes time while its symptoms start developing from the initial stage. Swelling around the infected area and extreme pain are typical signs indicating a tooth infection is likely to occur.
There is a high chance that these infections can spread around other body parts like the brain and jaws if not treated at the right time. This can result in various health issues, some of which can be risky and life-threatening. The following problems will provide insights into how long it takes until a tooth infection kills you. Death is not inevitable in all circumstances. However, some cases require to be treated promptly to reduce the chances of any significant complication.
Sepsis is the most severe health condition that can risk your life. The untreated tooth infection can expand in different parts of the body. Utmost pain, chest tightness, hesitation, and high temperature are symptoms of sepsis. If you observe these signs, then rush to your doctor immediately.
Cerebral Abscess occurs when several parts of bacteria or microbes enter your brain. This can happen due to any head injury and the infection in your teeth. These infected germs in the brain can cause headaches, eye pain, blurry vision, nausea, and shivering, which, in extreme cases, happen to be deadly.
Infective endocarditis – Any infection reaching the heart is life-threatening and does not require any justification about how it could be dangerous. The bacteria of the tooth infection can also get to the inside lining and blood vessels of the heart, which can cause swelling in some parts of the body, sweating, fever, coughing, chest pain, weight loss, and uneasiness.
Suppurative fasciitis – Also known as necrotizing fasciitis, it is a condition where the infection can spread in the inner skin and body tissues. The tissues inside the skin can get affected, which can cause death.
Tooth infections can be treated and healed if they are not ignored. Specialists suggest multiple ways to treat different tooth infections. The treatment varies from case to case, depending on the type and level of condition a person is going through. Consequently, most people are concerned about how long tooth decay takes to kill you. Infections don’t kill instantly; it takes time to spread and damage the inner parts, so you should be watchful if you start noticing any symptoms.
A root canal is a commonly known treatment to remove an infected tooth. Similarly, this process can also be used for pulling out the pus formed in the roots. The process can be painful, but a way to knock off your infection.
Sometimes, patients must undergo extraction, where the tooth is wholly extracted to eliminate the infection. Moreover, occasionally little filling inside the teeth also works fine if the situation worsens and the infection has not spread much. However, according to this female dentist in Melbourne FL, extraction is always the last option.
Your life can become much easier if you prioritize your health and take preventive measures to avoid issues before they arise.
Focus On Dental Hygiene
It would be best if you took care of your dental hygiene. Brushing teeth is not enough; dental flossing is mandatory to keep your teeth clean and free from germs. Even while brushing your teeth, make sure that you brush correctly so that your brush reaches every corner of your mouth. For flossing, start with small steps, and once you get used to it, the process will no longer be a hassle.
Regular Check-Ups
Whether you are being infected or not, in either case, regular appointments with your dentists should be your priority. Your doctor can help you identify any issue that is likely to happen ahead of time. Moreover, it would be best if you got teeth cleaning done after every few months to keep your teeth fresh and clean.
Cut Off Sugar
Most importantly, you should avoid eating food that contains lots of sugar. Having them once or twice a month is okay, but eating sugary foods every other day is not advisable. In addition to that, eat foods that are rich in vitamins and calcium to strengthen your teeth.
Tooth infections are common, and anyone can experience them. Some ailments are minor, whereas some are serious, but all should be treated promptly to avoid significant trouble. Delaying the process can lead to different health issues that could be life-threatening too. Now that you know how long it takes until a tooth infection kills you, stay alert and consult your doctors when you notice the related signs.
Fever, headaches, nausea, and restlessness are some symptoms of tooth infection. Get your treatments done whenever necessary, and schedule your check-ups more often if you have been through tooth infections before. Maintaining your dental hygiene is very important to prevent any infection.