Writing Can Help Us Heal from Trauma


Writing can help us heal from trauma. And so can art, music, dance, and drawing (to name a few). Creating something can bring about healing for some people who may have felt overwhelmed in the past. I’m here to tell you that you, too, can enjoy creating art and sharing it with others. This can help us heal from past traumas and move forward with our lives — but first, we need to understand what trauma is. Using an essay service can be a supportive and effective way to use writing as a tool for healing from trauma.

Writing is at the heart of healing

Writing can be a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. It can help you process your emotions, work through difficult experiences, and be a way to express yourself and connect with others. Many people find that writing about their thoughts and feelings can be cathartic and therapeutic and help them gain clarity and perspective. Some people also find it helpful to write as part of a regular self-care practice, such as keeping a journal or writing letters to oneself. If you’re interested in using writing as a means of healing, you might consider finding a writing group or workshop to join or working with a therapist or coach who can help you explore your thoughts and emotions through writing.

Write to Heal, Then Write to Publish

Tell the tale for yourself the first time. If you don’t want to, don’t show it to anyone. You can modify the work with a target audience in mind later if sharing it with others is your intention.

Writing is an act of self-care

It helps us process our emotions and heal from trauma. Writing about what we’ve been through can help us move forward.

When someone experiences trauma, the body’s natural response is to shut down. It’s only when we can find the time and space to open up that we can start to heal. But writing is not about getting things out of your head—it’s also about getting them into the world where others can see and hear. And it’s not just about sharing your story with others—it’s about learning from theirs, too.

Writing Helps You Cope with Grief

Writing can help us process what happened in our lives, but it isn’t just about remembering—it’s about creating something new out of what has been lost. To do this, we need empathy and compassion for ourselves and others. We must understand that our experience is valid and essential, even if it doesn’t match how others experience things. And we need to learn how to listen carefully so that we hear both sides of an argument, rather than reacting defensively or emotionally shut down when someone else speaks their truth differently than ours might be interpreted by society at large or our own family members.

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1. Don’t hold back:

Don’t worry about grammar & Don’t worry about what others might think or if it’s well-written, nice, or fair. Consider the following prompt: Without overthinking it, jot down words, notes, phrases, sentences — anything that comes to mind as you recall significant events from your pandemic experience, whether joyful or terrible.

2. No detail too small; no feeling too large

Gina DiPonio, former program manager of the UChicago Writer’s Studio, urges us to go deeper. “To get to the sensations and truth of your experience, let your thoughts wander to the exact, detailed moments. The power is in the details because they bring it to life for us. Return to the minute moments, the details, that ground you in the event to find out what happened. You can discover that the smallest element reveals the greatest truth or sentiment. Allow for all of it, and capture your experience in all of its breadth and depth.” Prompt: Consider one thing in your house that represents a specific point in the epidemic for you. Check it out in full color. Feel how heavy it is.

Make use of all your senses. Now, write about that thing and watch how much its significance may become.

3. Strive for revelation

We have transformed along with the environment around us. We may have discovered what is essential, irrelevant, or what helps us get through. We may have discovered more about ourselves. As you write, keep those lessons in mind. Writing is a natural means for humans, who are meaning-making machines, to express themselves. Prompt: What one thing are you aware of today that you weren’t before the pandemic? Your method of learning it When did your level of knowledge alter?

The Only Way Out Is Through

To recover from trauma, writing can be a great coping mechanism. It has been for me, so I encourage you to try it if you have any grief or depression. Putting feelings onto paper can work as a healthy way of dealing with trauma and help us heal in a way that we might have otherwise not discovered. Writing is also challenging and can be very fun! If you enjoy writing already–great! You’ll like this process! If you don’t enjoy writing but still want to try it out–stick with it! Writing can get better with practice regardless of the profession that you undertake.


If you’re reading this, then it’s likely that you’ve been experiencing trauma in some form. Writing is an incredible tool for self-reflection and personal growth, but it can also be used to take care of ourselves after a traumatic experience.