Hair Transplant Surgery Can Restore Natural-Looking Hair


One way to restore permanent and natural-looking hair is through hair transplant surgery. At Ziering Medical, we perform both Follicular Unit Excision (FUE) and Microscopically Dissected Elliptical Excision (MDEE), formerly known as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). 

Understanding the difference between these two techniques and what to expect during a hair transplant are only two of the many things you need to consider when getting a hair transplant procedure. For this reason, our surgeons at Ziering Medical thoughtfully put together this guide to equip you with accurate information before going through the procedure. 

Types of Hair Transplant Surgery 

There are two types of hair transplant techniques: MDEE and FUE. Your surgeon will decide which method best suits you. 

Microscopically Dissected Elliptical Excision (MDEE) 

MDEE, formerly known as FUT, involves removing a strip of tissue from the donor zone, usually on the back and sides of the head, and transplanting the individual follicular units into the recipient areas. 

Advantages of MDEE

MDEE allows for the harvesting of a large number of grafts in one session. It is arguably the most efficient way to obtain a significant amount of hair in a short period of time. Because of this, it’s ideal for patients looking for a dramatic change in one procedure. 

It’s also recommended for women who most likely do not want to shave the back and sides of their heads for the donor harvest step of the hair restoration procedure. 

Follicular Unit Excision (FUE)

FUE hair transplant involves extracting individual follicular units from the donor area and gently transplanting them to the recipient areas. This method requires that the donor area on the back and sides of the head be shaved short to give the surgeon increased visibility of the available donor site and individual hair follicles. 

Advantages of FUE

One notable advantage of FUE over MDEE is its ability to avoid the presence of a linear scar. Unlike MDEE, FUE involves making tiny incisions in the donor area, resulting in minimal scarring. This makes FUE an appealing option for individuals concerned about visible scars. 

Additionally, FUE is suitable for a diverse range of hair types and can effectively address smaller areas of hair loss. Another application of FUE is in cases where previous FUT harvesting has created excessive tension, making it impractical for further FUT harvesting. 

Recovery from an FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant procedure can vary from person to person, but generally, patients can expect to see some swelling and redness around the treatment area for the first few days. 

How A Hair Transplant Procedure Is Done

There are four main steps of a hair transplant surgery. During your consultation, the Ziering Medical Team will walk you through each step and answer all questions and concerns you might have. 

Step 1. Donor Harvesting.

First, the donor zone is identified and prepared for harvesting. Your Ziering surgeon may utilize either MDEE or FUE to harvest follicular units from the donor area based on your hair restoration plan. 

Step 2. Microscopic Dissection of the Hair Grafts.

The second step involves using the Ziering Scope, Dr. Ziering’s own invention. The Ziering Scope allows our surgeons to see the follicular units in better detail. This helps our surgeon preserve your precious donor hair. Our surgeons also use cool heat versus warm/hot heat to prevent the grafts from drying out. Cool heat increases graft survival rates and ensures optimal surgical outcomes.

Step 3. Creating Recipient Sites. 

During this stage, your surgeon will begin creating the recipient sites for the grafts according to the agreed hair transplant design. The recipient sites have to be made at the precise angle, direction, and orientation. Because every patient has finite donor hair, your surgeon has to consider the best use of your remaining donor hair to create the illusion of more hair in all the balding and thinning areas. 

Step 4. Hair Graft Placement.

Finally, our hair transplant technicians will gently place the grafts into the recipient sites at the proper angle and orientation. Both MDEE and FUE are performed as outpatient procedures. Meaning, you can return home right away after the procedure.

Recovery and Results 

Within a few weeks, the transplanted hair will shed, but fear not, as this is a natural part of the process. Over the coming months, new hair will gradually grow from the transplanted follicles.

The final results of a hair transplant procedure can take up to a year to fully manifest. It is crucial to remain patient and trust the process. In some cases, additional procedures such as PRP or Keralase may be recommended to enhance the outcome of your hair transplant

Hair Transplant Surgery Leaves Scars 

Because FUT involves the removal of a strip of scalp, it leaves a linear scar that can be easily concealed by the surrounding hair. Meanwhile, during FUE surgery, our surgeons use a small punch (0.8 – 1 mm) to cut around each hair follicular unit for extraction. As a result, tiny “pinpoint” scars are left behind in the donor area, which typically heals within two to three weeks. 

Cost of Hair Transplant

On average, hair transplant costs can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. The significant variation in price primarily stems from the number of grafts required to attain the desired outcome. 

Your Results Rely on Your Surgeon’s Experience, Skill, and Artistry.

Because your donor hair can be limited, you’ll want to work with a hair transplant surgeon who has a proven track record in the field of hair transplant and a wide collection of beautiful before and after photos.

Led by multi-awarded hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Craig Ziering, the Ziering Medical Team is one of the best hair transplant surgeons in the country. 

Call us to schedule your consultation. We serve patients all over the greater Tri-state area of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut as well as the greater Southern California area from Los Angeles and Beverly Hills to Newport Beach and San Diego.

MDEE (FUT) Before and After Photos

This patient received excellent results from his MDEE procedure and has a fully healed, with a nearly invisible, inconspicuous linear scar. See more beautiful B & A photos like this.

This patient was able to add more density on top of his hairline using the MDEE hair transplant technique. See more beautiful B & A photos like this.

FUE Before and After Photos

It’s remarkable to see the difference that can be achieved in just a little over a year. After just 1 FUE hair transplant with 2210 grafts and this patient is loving the results! See more beautiful B & A photos like this.

This patient is 9 ½ months post-op after 1 FUE hair transplant with 1818 grafts, and he is ecstatic with his results! See more beautiful B & A photos like this.