Do Pickles Make You Poop? Is It Reality Or Myth?


Pickles is a very famous food that is prepared by preserving cucumber with a solution in airtight jars. The solution is known as brine solution and consists of spices, vinegar, and salt. People all around the globe enjoy eating pickles as a side dish, dressing, and even as a snack.

Whether steaks, burgers, salads, or sandwiches, pickle enhances the taste of every food. Consuming a food item to satisfy your taste buds is a good thing but overdoing it can cause health issues. Unpleasant reports regarding pickles have been circulating on the internet.

There is a hustle among people that pickles might lead to digestive problems such as irregular bowel movement and diarrhea. You may also have this question in your mind do pickles cause poop or diarrhea? What is the reason behind pickles causing diarrhea and digestive problems? What are the benefits and side effects of pickles? So without wasting any time, let us give you detailed answers to all your queries regarding pickles.

Do pickles make you poop?

You ate some pickles and all of a sudden you feel irregular bowel movements such as diarrhea, wondering if do pickles caused it? Yes, you are right because pickles can make you poop but not always you need to worry about it. If you are passing normal stools after eating pickles it may be due to the presence of probiotic and fibre-rich components in pickles. Pickles are a good option for gut flora and can have good effects on your digestive system.

Pickles are rich in fiber that helps in the movement of food throughout the intestine. The probiotics present in pickles can improve the health of natural flora present in the gut. Still, if you are having diarrhoea after eating pickles then the scenario is completely changed. There may be several causes of diarrhea due to pickles such as pickles consisting of spices, vinegar, and salt. A certain electrolyte imbalance in the digestive system can cause pooping and diarrhea. However, this type of diarrhea is not always risky for long-term health.

Reason For Pickles Making You Poop?

The digestive system has its own gut bacteria and electrolyte balance that can be disturbed by the food we are consuming. Pickles consist of vinegar and salt in high quantities that can disturb the electrolyte balance of the digestive system. The spices in them can irritate the secretions of the digestive system. Pickles are consumed in high quantities it can even disturb the bacteria present in the gut. Any one of the reasons can lead to increased bowel movements or diarrhea. Therefore, we should only consume an appropriate amount of pickles in our diet.

Does Pickles Cause Diarrhea?

There is a difference between increased bowel movements and diarrhea. After consuming a high amount of pickles you may experience a few bowel movements but if you have diarrhea then this is something serious. Most of the time diarrhoea caused by pickles is due to electrolyte imbalance or irritation of the digestive system.

However, some people have much more severe diseases such as inflammatory wall disease or irritable bowel syndrome. In routine, they do not notice anything but when they eat food like pickles their digestive system is irritated, and all of a sudden they experience diarrhea. Frequent bowl movements can be treated on their own but if the situation is severe you need to seek the help of a Healthcare professional.

How Pickles Causes Diarrhoea?

If you often experience diarrhea after eating one reason may be that you are alert to any ingredient such as garlic, spice, and vinegar that is present in the pickles. You should know what ingredients are used in pickles so you can avoid the one that causes allergic reaction or food poisoning. If you do not recover you may require consultation from a Healthcare professional to diagnose why pickles are causing diarrhoea.

How to prevent or treat diarrhea from pickles?

Prevention is always better than cure so if you often experience diarrhea after eating pickles then you should reduce its consumption. When you have diarrhea you should strictly stop eating more pickles until your health is recovered.

However, if you are in love with the taste of pickles, prepare your own with less intense ingredients. In the brine solution of pickles, you can add less amount of salt, vinegar, and spices. In this way, it will not irritate your digestive system.

Pickles As Natural Laxative

If you are wondering if pickles help with constipation you are right. Food that consists of a high amount of sodium works as a natural laxative when consumed in excessive quantity. In a normal scenario, pickles can make you Poop or cause diarrhea. But if you are suffering from constipation it can provide you relief by increasing bowel movement.

Side Effects Of Pickles

Other than diarrhea pickles also have a few more side effects such as follows

  • Bloating 

Bloating is a feeling that is caused by the gas which is stuck in the gastrointestinal tract. So if you have consumed a lot of pickles you may notice puffiness on your face and body. Pickles are prepared with ingredients such as spices, salt, and vinegar that help the body retain water. When extra fluid accumulates inside the body it will cause blotting.

  • Heartburn 

Heartburn is a result of acid reflux that is usually caused by consuming acidic, salty, or sour food. Pickles consist of all the ingredients that are triggering factors for heartburn so they may cause this undesirable condition.

  • Acidity 

Bloating, heartburn, and gassiness ultimately lead to acidity. You should stop consuming spicy, oily, and salty food to overcome this situation. Drinking lots of water will also help neutralize the electrolyte imbalance in your digestive system.

  • Causing Gas Problem 

Cucumbers consist of cucurbitacin as their main constituent and if pickles are consumed in large quantities, this constituent can cause gasiness. According to a study in the Journal of digestive diseases, cucurbitacin can cause gassiness and other digestion problems especially if you are consuming food such as pickles that act on gut flora and digestive system.

  • You Will Feel Thirsty

You may notice that when you eat food that consists of a high amount of salt you often feel thirsty. The same is true with pickles because they also consist of a higher amount of sodium in them. The sodium in pickles imbalance the GIT electrolyte retaining water from your body and making you thirsty.

Health benefits of pickles

Pickles have a lot of harmful effects on the body but still, for 1,000 of years, people have been using it in their meals. What is the reason behind it? We consume food because it provides us with nutrition and energy so there might be a lot of health benefits in pickles as well. Following are some of the health benefits of pickles

  • Relief Constipation

As discussed earlier for several reasons pickles increase bowel movement so it is beneficial for those who often suffer from constipation.

  • Pickle Juice For Digestion 

Pickles have a high amount of vinegar in them that helps in breaking down food in the digestive system and in improving gut flora growth. For moderate gastrointestinal problems taking a small quantity of pickle juice can provide relief.

  • Helps In Electrolyte Balance And Rehydration

Sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium are the major electrolytes required by the digestive system. Pickles consist of sodium and other electrolytes that can help in balancing electrolytes in the digestive system.

Final thoughts

Next time you get a thought about do pickles make you poop the answer is always yes. However, the pooping caused by pickles is not always bad. Sometimes, it is good for the health and digestive system. However, if you experience severe diarrhea then you should take precautions, avoid eating pickles, and consult a Health Care professional.