Are you entering your senior years? Congratulations! People are in general living longer these days, which is great news, but the truth is many of us tend to neglect our physical health as we age, which sadly shaves off some of those extra years we may have had coming to us. Moreover, because we allow proper exercise and diet to fall by the wayside, we don’t feel as good as we could, and receive less enjoyment from our lives. It doesn’t have to be that way! There are common sense steps we can take to stave off the ravages of ageing and enjoy our golden years in comfort and joy. It takes an effort of course, but when you look at the time you spend working on staying healthy it’s nothing compared to all the extra time you will have to feel good and enjoy life.
It’s a fact that some negative things happen to our bodies as we age. We lose swiftness, stamina and strength thanks to decreasing muscle mass. Between the ages of 20 and 40 our bodies are quite stable, but after 40 things begin to change and we can expect a 1% to 2% decline in lean body mass and a 1.5% to 5% loss of strength per year. That may not sound like much, but it adds up. Another thing that happens to us is the production of helpful natural chemicals in our bodies begin to decline. For example, the health critical coenzyme Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) , a source of fuel found in every living cell that allows us to function, begins to decline, which has a deleterious effect on our overall health. Fortunately, NAD+ supplements in Australia boost the amounts of this precious substance in your body, promoting healthy ageing, raising energy levels, and improving your metabolism, thus restoring that youthful vigour!
Taking supplements is an excellent way to achieve better health as we age, as is a proper healthy diet, but there is still some work we need to do. By far the biggest contributor to lowered levels of energy, reduced coordination, and loss of physical strength in seniors is lack of exercise. The reduced levels of physical activity that some seniors accept as inevitable is the real culprit behind the aches and pains they suffer! They think that because they are “old” they can just sit and watch TV all day, having retired from life. Nothing could be further from the truth! The older we get the more critical a focus on daily fitness routines becomes! Engaging in regular exercise is beneficial to people of any age, but it becomes essential for seniors who want to stay healthy, mobile, and strong so they can get the most out of life. Doctors and physical therapists can help you make the right choices as you implement your exercise plan.
The Australian Department of Health and Aged Care is another excellent resource to set you on the right course for a healthy, happy senior life.