In an era where digital solutions are revolutionizing healthcare, the question arises: Can online therapy be an effective tool in combating depression?
This article delves into the realm of virtual counseling, exploring its potential to provide timely and personalized treatment strategies for those grappling with depression. By examining the accessibility, efficacy, and nuances of online therapy, we aim to shed light on its role in the ongoing battle against this widespread mental health condition.
Treatment options available online
The two most common evidence-based therapies available online for the treatment of depression are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Therapy(IPT).
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a well-established approach to treating depression, focusing on the interplay between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In CBT, a therapist collaborates with the client to identify and understand negative, often irrational thought patterns that contribute to depressive symptoms.
The core of this therapy involves challenging and reframing these unhelpful thoughts and beliefs, subsequently altering the behaviors that perpetuate the cycle of depression. Through structured sessions, clients learn coping strategies and skills to manage and reduce their symptoms effectively. Numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of CBT in treating depression, making it a widely recommended treatment option in clinical practice.
Interpersonal Therapy for depression concentrates on improving personal relationships and resolving issues contributing to depressive symptoms. Therapists work with clients to enhance communication, address relational patterns, and adapt to significant life events.
By focusing on supportive relationships and interpersonal dynamics, IPT effectively helps manage and reduce depression, fostering healthier interpersonal connections.
While IPT and CBT are just two examples of treating depression, a therapist may resort to different methods to deliver treatment with the main aim being to address the user’s needs.
Can online counseling for depression be of any help?
The answer is yes! Online therapy apps provide an alternative to traditional in-person talk therapy for identifying and managing depression. They can help manage it for a wide range of points and may consequently be of benefit to the physician as well.
Trained healthcare providers adopt a range of treatment approaches and offer online advice to help people manage depression after encouraging the sufferer to reveal family ancestry, especially with a past history of depression.
That said, one needs to consider the severity, the type of depression, and the length of time the symptoms have been present. While the situation differs from one person to another, online platforms have been found to be appropriate for treating symptoms of mild and moderate depression.
The right way to find out if online therapy is good for you is to consult a doctor or a licensed mental health professional who can review your symptoms to decide which mode of delivery is best for you.
Cost of treatment
Depression is a disease that affects mental health and something that won’t go away on its own. It requires therapy and treatment which can only be provided by a specialist.
Keeping this in mind it is only natural to know about how much online treatment of depression may cost. However, no matter how high the cost of depression, receiving treatment is essential.
The cost of treatment of depression online should cost you about $30-$70 per week depending on the provider and platform you choose. On me other hand, subscription-based therapy ranges between $228-$436 per month.
Some platforms will accept payment per session, while others offering therapy adopt a subscription-based model and charge you by the month.
You can connect with a trained expert virtually or via text messaging. Moreover, if you are a parent, student, or otherwise a busy person, you will find teletherapy of immense benefit because you can receive it from anywhere.
There are several affordable online therapy platforms from which you can choose. They offer phone, video, and messaging therapy and some providers even accept insurance.
Other providers offer discounts and financial aid, even if they don’t take insurance, to eligible individuals.
(Smartphones and tablets that offer mobile health apps, support, and general education about depression cannot be a substitute for in-person sessions, but can still be effective and most importantly, affordable)
Other methods that can be used to treat depression
Psychotherapy and medications are quite effective for most people suffering from depression. While your primary care doctor can prescribe medications, some people with depression may seek help from a psychologist or other mental health professional.
For severe cases, you may require hospital care or a need to take part in an outpatient program till such time the symptoms subside or begin to improve.
Some types of medications are named below but discuss major side effects with your pharmacist or doctor before taking them:
- Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs)
- Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors(SNRIs)
- Atypical depressants
- Tricyclic antidepressants
- Monoamine oxidase inhibitors(MAOIs)
In psychotherapy, depression is treated by speaking about the condition and going over other related issues in construction with a mental health professional. This type of treatment is also referred to as psychological therapy or simply, talk therapy.
There are different types of psychotherapy to treat depression like cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy. Talk therapy can help with:
- Adjust to a difficult or crisis situation
- Identify negative beliefs and thought patterns and replace them with healthy ones
- Develop positive interactions with others
- Explore better ways to cope with your depression
- Gain a sense of control over life, in general, to help ease depression symptoms like anger and loneliness.
- Develop an ability to tolerate distress.
Other formats for therapy
There are other formats for depression therapy as an alternative to traditional face-to-face interaction that are available and could be an effective option for some people.
For example, therapy can be provided via a computer program through online sessions,or using videos and workbooks. Programs can be totally independent or be guided by an expert therapist.
Some more treatment options
For some people, procedures like brain stimulation therapies may be suggested. These could include:
- Electroconvulsive therapy(ECT)
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS)