6 Surprising Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep


Bad sleep can be detrimental to both mental and physical health. If you are suffering from improper sleep, you very well know the importance of a good night’s sleep. You may be craving a good night’s sleep but haven’t put much effort into how to achieve that. 

Of course, while you are reading this, it means you are trying to find out some ways but didn’t come across something solid. Sleeplessness isn’t just a few people’s problems, but many are suffering from it. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in three adults in the United States doesn’t get enough sleep. Hence, the serious implications of inadequate sleep such as fatigue, irritability, and even serious health problems like obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. 

However, as with any other problem, there are solutions to this improper sleep as well. So what do these solutions constitute, and how can you achieve that sound sleep you have been craving for a long time? 

In this piece, we have come up with 6 surprising ways for a good night’s sleep for you that was found out after thorough research by the staff of SweetIslandDreams.com

6 Surprising Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep

If you’re one of those, who don’t get that good night’s sleep, then don’t worry; there are several things you can do to improve your sleep quality. Here are six surprising ways to get a good night’s sleep:

Develop a Consistent Bedtime Routine

You must be familiar with this age-old maxim, “early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Though we don’t know how much it can make a person wealthy and wise, however, we can say for sure that it makes a person healthy at least. Even if you don’t go early, but follow a routine that’s consistent, it will help you develop a good night’s sleep over time. 

So what is this consistency? 

It is simply fixing a time to go to bed and trying for shut-eye, whatever your daily tasks and priority are. Follow up on your tasks the next day and prioritize them accordingly. If we don’t exaggerate, we simply mean that a little discipline for sleep will also have a multitude of effects on your entire life.   

Manage Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are the two biggest enemies of a good night’s sleep. And we don’t deny that you can completely eliminate these two things from your life, but what we stress here is to manage. 

So what’s the solution? 

The only solution to managing stress is to try relaxation techniques, such as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and visualization. You can even try journaling or talking to a friend or therapist about your worries.

Relaxation Techniques and Meditation

Even if you are tired and your body wants you to pull down to sleep, a disturbed mind will keep you awake. So what matters is controlling things that disturb your mind. It’s all about mind games, more or less, and you may have experienced it yourself if you ever have had a good night’s sleep sometimes in your life. 

So the best solution is meditating and purging your thoughts that are filled with woes and worries and filling them with positive and calming ones. You can also try a body scan, mindful breathing, or common humanity meditation.

Avoid Caffeine and Sugary Drinks

What you drink and eat has a longing effect on your body and impacts your sleep quality. And the most aggravating ones are sugary drinks, such as tea and caffeine. They just interfere with your sleep quality. 

We don’t say that you should entirely curb them; what we want to stress here is that you gradually limit them as you progress toward the evening hour or just after dusk. This will help to reduce the impact of caffeine by the time you move to your bed. 

Minimize Electronic Devices and Blue Light Exposure

Electronic devices have become like an organ of our body, and we carry them along with us always. We have become addicted and dependent on it. Unfortunately, electronic devices such as mobile phones have been a primary reason for people exposing themselves to blue light.  

Electronic devices emit blue light, which can interfere with your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Hence, to minimize blue light exposure, avoid using electronic devices before bedtime or use blue light filters on your devices.

Incorporate Daily Exercise into Your Routine

As you start exercising for the betterment of sleep, you will not get an immediate result, so don’t be discouraged. It will definitely show you the result within a few months. Regular exercise will improve your sleep quality. However, just remember that you don’t exercise too close to your bedtime as it can hamper your sleep quality. 

You will have to add up the exercises in your daily routine, such as walking, jogging, or yoga. By doing these exercises and developing a consistent bedtime routine, you will be able to manage your stress and anxiety. 

While exercising, mute your phones and then start with your exercise so that you don’t get distracted during your workouts. Getting distracted during your workouts can destroy your concentration level. By following these steps, you will be able to improve your sleep quality as well as your health quality. 


In conclusion, a good night’s sleep is important both for your mental and physical well-being. Adopting and application of the ways mentioned above will help you achieve that quality of sleep. 

For a better sleep you will have to follow your sleep routine continuously and will have to develop a perfect sleep environment while sleeping. This means you will have to keep your bedroom dark and quiet, and the temperature of the room should be according to your convenience. Always avoid using phones or any blue light exposure during your bedtime. 

Remember, everyone’s sleep needs are different, so it’s important to find what works best for you. By making small changes to your routine and environment, you can achieve better sleep and improve your overall health and well-being.