In today’s competitive environment, insomnia is a common problem. According to the Sleep Foundation, approximately 70 million Americans experience some degree of insomnia yearly. The severity can range from having trouble falling asleep to not being able to stay asleep through the night.
Even though insomnia is normal, it can be distressing and disrupt quality sleep; even short bouts of sleeplessness can significantly impact your daily functioning. If left untreated, insomnia can worsen over time and increase the risk of developing severe psychological problems such as depression or anxiety.
If you struggle with this condition, it can be frustrating and appear to be something you can’t control. However, there are many ways to treat insomnia. Below are five tips for getting started if you experience trouble sleeping.
1. Try a Natural Sleep Aid
Many people turn to prescription medications to treat insomnia, but this approach is often ineffective and can have side effects. If you have symptoms of insomnia, consider using a natural sleep aid.
If you’re a cannabis user, you might already know that some strains and edibles can help you fall asleep. Cannabis can promote sleep thanks to its interactions with adenosine receptors in the brain responsible for sleep induction. If you don’t mind the high associated with cannabis, you can also incorporate THC products for more potent effects. The compound interacts with the brain receptors triggering an increase in adenosine levels, relaxing and sedating the user.
The gummies are easy to pop in your mouth and are available in a variety of THC to CBD ratios and cannabinoid profiles. Beginners can consider taking THC gummies a few minutes before heading to bed. These edibles contain a pre-defined THC dosage and are available in various flavors, making them a great way to treat insomnia. THC edibles are often used for treating sleeping issues. The active ingredient in edibles, like delta 9 THC cookies ortaffies, can help patients fall asleep and stay asleep for longer. In addition, they can help to reduce the anxiety that can keep people from falling asleep
Another type of natural remedy that has been gaining popularity in recent years is CBG gummies for anxiety which, unlike THC, does not have any psychoactive effects and is instead known for its ability to relieve anxiety and promote relaxation. Several studies have shown that CBG can be effective in treating insomnia, with one study finding that it was as effective as CBD in reducing sleep latency (the amount of time it takes to fall asleep). CBG gummies are believed to work by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps to regulate mood and anxiety levels.
2. Develop a Sleeping Routine
Sleeping patterns vary from one person to the next and are affected by several factors. Stress, medical conditions, and even some medications may cause trouble sleeping. This may be because insomnia is a common side effect of certain medications.
If you’re having trouble sleeping, developing a sleep routine may help. A sleep routine is a set of consistent behaviors that occur in the same order every day, leading up to bedtime. Try to make your sleep routine relaxing. You can try the following relaxing activities if you’re restless and have difficulty calming your mind.
- Warm your feet by putting them in an oven bag or a warm foot bath before bed. This will relax your muscles and promote a calm state of mind.
- Avoid bright lights before bed, as they can disrupt your sleep. Try to keep the lights low in your bedroom or use a night light.
- Switch off all electronic devices, and avoid watching TV or looking at your laptop before bed. The light emitted from these devices can impact your melatonin levels and make it difficult to fall asleep.
- Taking a soothing bath before bed is another relaxing activity you can try before bed. You can make it even more comfortable by adding essential oils to your bath like lavender or chamomile, known for their calming effects.
- Practicing a light form of yoga can help you relax and fall asleep easier. Practicing this in the evening is best to avoid disrupting your sleep.
- Sip a relaxing drink before bed, like herbal tea or warm milk. This can help you to relax and fall asleep more easily.
- Reading a relaxing book can also help you relax and fall asleep more easily.
You may also find that changing your sleeping posture or shifting your position on the bed helps to calm you down and allow you to fall asleep more easily.
3. Exercise Regularly
Exercise is recommended as a sleep aid and a way to reduce stress. According to a study examining the relationship between sleep and exercise, exercising improves sleep quality and is good for insomnia patients. Besides, exercise is always beneficial for the body and mind, regardless of your sleep issues.
Exercising three hours before bed may help to increase melatonin levels (sleep hormone) and promote relaxation. You can also exercise during the day and then relax in a comfortable environment before bed.
4. Avoid Large Meals Before Sleeping
Eating a large meal before bed can cause discomfort and disrupt your sleep. While it’s tempting to eat a large meal before you go to bed, it’s better to eat light during the evening hours. Eating a large meal before bed can also lead to indigestion and discomfort during the night. Hence, eat light before you go to bed to prevent indigestion, cramping, or gas that may disrupt your sleep.
5. Avoid Caffeine and Other Stimulants
Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol are all stimulants that can cause insomnia. Consuming these substances in the evening can disrupt your sleep cycle and cause you to wake up throughout the night. If you are a coffee lover, switch to herbal tea instead.
Sleep is critical to our health and well-being. When we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies and minds are impacted dramatically. Hence, it is important to understand the different factors that can lead to insomnia and how to treat it. While there is no magic pill or quick fix to insomnia, there are many ways to treat this condition. From developing a sleep routine to using warm, calming drinks before bed, these top five ways will help you get a good night’s rest. However, if you are experiencing severe insomnia, it may be worth consulting a doctor. They can help you determine the root cause and provide suitable treatment options.